Jasper’s new saddle: Thorowgood T6 Hi-wither GP


Well Jasper’s new saddle has arrived & it is even better than I expected.
I had Lavinia Mitchell to check Jasper’s old saddle at the end of August after Louise & I had picked up he had sore muscles across his back in the area under the back panels of the saddle. His old saddle was too narrow through the front & not sitting balanced, but tilting back. All of which were causing him pain.
With no option for his old saddle to be modified, the only option was a new saddle & given Jasper’s difficult shape, he has a very high, long wither profile with sunken muscle either side, a good fit on a leather saddle would really require a custom made one, which price wise wasn’t really an option.
After discussing several ideas we decided that Thorowgood’s new range of T4 or T6 synthetic saddles would suit our requirements & budget the most, a brand new saddle for just over £300.
In the end I went for Thorowgood’s T6 Hi-Wither General Purpose(GP) saddle. It lacks the suede seat & knee rolls of the T4 (which is just personal preference) but otherwise it is the same. What’s amazing is that when it arrived it actually looked just like leather & even more so when it is on Jasper & you are riding. Unless I tell them most people don’t even realise I’m using a synthetic saddle.
More important however where the benefits it offered Jasper. Thorowgood claim it to be “25% lighter than an equivalent leather saddle”, but compared to our old saddle its considerably lighter even then that. This is important for me as Jasper gets older it means he has less dead weight to cope with on his back when he is ridden.
The Hi-Wither version I went for is also specially designed for horses with a prominent spine & wither & muscle wastage. It is designed to fit this type of profile without pinching & the tree & panels are shaped to ensure maximum clearance whilst remaining balanced.
Also with the interchangeable gullet & Fish system it offers huge scoop for a single saddle to adapt to your horses changing shape. This was an important consideration as with Lavinia’s help I hope to improve Jasper’s muscle wastage either side of his wither, that will eventually require a wider saddle, which I can now allow for without having to get a whole new saddle.

I would definitely recommend Thorowgood’s range of synthetic saddles, there are many benefits to both horse & rider, & I was amazed by how far the synthetic materials have come from the saddles I can remember of 15 years ago. Although Jasper & I don’t compete, you could happily compete in these saddles without anyone realising you haven’t got a “real-leather” saddle.

I have Lavinia coming soon to check we have the right padding to ensure Jasper’s muscles have the space to develop.
Jasper & I are now looking forward to getting out & about again now his back is fully recovered & we have his lovely light new saddle to show off.
Until next time
With Love & Happy Riding
Fiona & Jasper



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