This might be quite controversial, but firstly I want to say I’m not suggesting you stop vaccinating, all I want is to raise an opinion that you can take forward to your vet & […]
Hi I thought I’d share some new sarcoid developments with you. This week I had an interesting meeting & conversation with one of the girls from the Horse Trust, UK. The Horse Trust have recently […]
I first used this simple test with Dena Schwartz last year when we were trying to decide whether using yarrow essential oil as a topical application for Jasper’s sarcoids would be beneficial & I have […]
Gosh I can’t believe that it is almost the end of January already, still on the bright side that means we’re closer to summer & the chance of a bit less mud and longer days […]
Jasper is offered both Chickweed & Marshmallow, he doesn’t eat either one on a regular basis but will take them every now & then, & usually when he does he will take a sizeable dose […]
Hi there, Just a very quick one today I wanted to give you a bit of information about Jasper’s all time favourite herb. This herb took Jasper a while to discover but once he did […]
Another of Jasper’s favourite Herbs is dandelion leaf, again when it was in season I use to pick him handfuls of fresh leaves, on one occassion he literally dragged me across the stable yard so […]
Another Herb that Jasper eats regularly is Devil’s Claw, you may be familiar with this as it is used in a lot of the herbal “No Bute” alternatives. Devil’s Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) Great for Joint […]
Clivers (Galium aparine) Clivers is also known by the names bedstraw, cleavers, goosegrass or catch-weed. This European herb can be found growing in many hedgerows and fields and is collected and gently dried before the […]
Jasper’s sarcoids are often weeping & bloody so they are treated topically in addition to his self-selecting herbs, magnetic rug & regular shiatsu sessions. Using Kinesiology Dena recommended the use of yarrow oil(achillea millefolium), […]
Obviously with Jasper’s weeping sarcoids during the summer months keeping the flies at bay & Jasper happy as he lives out 24/7 becomes a big consideration. He is very sensitive & can become quite […]