The weather was fabulous & the cross country phase complete with the usual thrills & spills. We had the added enjoyment after the cross country of watching the show-jumping conclusion to the young event horse contest that was also running over the weekend. Some of the top event riders in the world, some beautiful, talented young horses, the sun shining, a glass of Pimms in hand & the stunning back drop of Blenheim house, who could ask for more on a Saturday afternoon in England?
During the day we’d had a wonder round the great range of trade stands & I was intrigued to see the number of stands offering magnetic products for horses (dogs & humans); from rugs & exercise boots to stable wraps & even magnetics to fix to either your horses bridle or head-collar. It seems that magnotherapy has taken the horse world by storm. When I think back to the last time we were at Blenheim, I’m not sure there was a single magnetic product on display or if there was it was one of the pulsed variety that costs several thousand pounds & was therefore out of the realm of most horse owners, what a difference to this year.

Magnotherapy as it is known is the application of a magnetic field to the living tissue & can take various forms. It is thought to support the conductivity of the living cells & stimulate the circulation, encouraging the blood to accept more oxygen & work more efficiently, whilst rebalancing the electromagnetic energy in the body, all of which should assist in restoring health & relieving pain for various conditions.
Mum suffers from arthritis in her finger joints & back problems too, so we will let you know how she gets on with her magnetic bracelet & if it is as successful as Jasper’s rug.
Until next time,
With Love
Fiona & Jasper