- Natura Products, suppliers of an excellent range of high quality herbs & essential oils.
- Trinity Consultants, Roger Hatch, suppliers of bespoke equine nutrition supplements.
- Hoof Bootique, Hoof Boots and more for your barefoot horse.
- Red Horse Products, There Field paste and honey heal creams are incredibly useful products.
- Simple Systems, Forage based feeding systems.
- Global Herbs, offering broad spectrum herbal supplements.
- Natural Instinct, Raw food, dog and cat food supplier.
- Forage Plus, Mineral balancing and mineral supplies.
- Australian Bush Flower Essences, the main site in Australia.
- Health Lines, Flower and Gem essence suppliers, prescribers and teachers in UK
- Universal Essences, sell flower, gem and environmental essences made by Alaskan, Australian Bush, FES, Findhorn, Indigo and Wild Earth Animal Essences. Run workshops to learn about essence healing.
- Helios Homoeopathy, suppliers of homeopathic remedies.
- Ainsworths, homeopathic remedies and they also make their own range of Bach flower essences.
- Neals Yard, essential oils, flower essences and more.
- Norfolk Essential Oils, specialise in high quality production & supply of organic essential oils, aromatherapy oils & floral waters.
- Kobashi Essential Oils,
- The Wild Health Shop, products sourced and sold by Caroline Ingraham.
- Less Bounce, Sports bras and sports underwear stockists.
- Meadow Mania, Suppliers of herb, wildflower and old fashioned grass seed pasture mixes.
- Suppliers for farmers, have some good old fashioned grass seed mixes.
- Midsummer Energy, suppliers of solar panels suitable to run electric fences & more. They were really helpful & I highly recommend them.