Jasper is offered both Chickweed & Marshmallow, he doesn’t eat either one on a regular basis but will take them every now & then, & usually when he does he will take a sizeable dose or eat them for a few days in a row & then not need them for a couple of months. Below is a bit more about when you may find them useful.
Common Chickweed (Stellaria media)
Chickweed is an excellent stomach tonic & a useful alternative to slippery elm bark powder. If fed half an hour before feeding your horse it will help sooth the intestinal tract & prepare it for digestion. It supports the intestinal environment & increases the absorption of nutrients.
Externally a chickweed poultice will remove heat from infected wounds & draw poisons from swollen bites.
An infused oil of chickweed can be applied to skin disorders or inflamed joints (steep leaves, stems & flowers in high quality preferably organic olive oil for 3-4 days, strain & use)
Marshmallow (Althea officinalis)
Marshmallow has an ability to bind & eliminate toxins, allowing the body to cleanse itself. This makes it useful in treating infections, worm infestations, general cleansing tonic & even arthritis.
Similar to dandelion in that both the roots and leaves can be used, but which part you need will depend on which system in the body you are trying to treat. The leaf is commonly used to treat the respiratory or urinary systems, while the root is useful to treat the digestive system.
The herb is useful for coughs as it encourages the expulsion of mucus, particularly good if the cough is dry or there is irritation of the airways. The leaf is useful for conditions such as kidney/bladder stones, cystitis or urinary infection.
The root is good for scouring, colitis, ulceration or inflammation of the digestive system. Marshmallow can be fed on a regular basis to horses prone to frequent colic as a preventative measure.
Externally use the powdered root in equal part with slippery elm powder as a poultice for drawing infection and soothing skin conditions.
I hope you found this useful again references from Catherine Bird & a Healthy Horse the Natural Way & Hilary Page Self A Modern Horse Herbal.
Until next time
With Love
Fiona & Jasper
Jasper is offered both Chickweed & Marshmallow daily, he doesn’t eat either one on a regular basis but will take them every now & then & usually when he does he will take a sizeable dose or eat them for a few days in a row & then not need them for a couple of months. Below is a bit more about when you may find them useful.
Common Chickweed (Stellaria media)

Externally a chickweed poultice will remove heat from infected wounds & draw poisons from swollen bites.
An infused oil of chickweed can be applied to skin disorders or inflamed joints (steep leaves, stems & flowers in high quality preferably organic olive oil for 3-4 days, strain & use)
Marshmallow (Althea officinalis)

marshmallow flower
Marshmallow has an ability to bind & eliminate toxins, allowing the body to cleanse itself. This makes it useful in treating infections, worm infestations, general cleansing tonic & even arthritis.
Similar to dandelion in that both the roots and leaves can be used, but which part you need will depend on which system in the body you are trying to treat. The leaf is commonly used to treat the respiratory or urinary systems, while the root is useful to treat the digestive system.
The herb is useful for coughs as it encourages the expulsion of mucus, particularly good if the cough is dry or there is irritation of the airways. The leaf is useful for conditions such as kidney/bladder stones, cystitis or urinary infection.
The root is good for scouring, colitis, ulceration or inflammation of the digestive system. Marshmallow can be fed on a regular basis to horses prone to frequent colic as a preventative measure.
Externally use the powdered root in equal part with slippery elm powder as a poultice for drawing infection and soothing skin conditions.
I hope you found this useful again references from Catherine Bird & a Healthy Horse the Natural Way & Hilary Page Self A Modern Horse Herbal.
Until next time
With Love
Fiona & Jasper