Just been watching the BBC’s spring watch with Chris & Kate & found this clip really interesting, that wild birds are using aromatic herbs in their nests, this particular clip on the Pensthorp bluetits […]
herbal treatment

Echinacea, (Echinacea angustifolia, E.purpurea) I remember being given Echinacea by my mum when I was growing up, it was in a liquid form & I seem to remember it not having the most appetising flavour […]
Echinacea, a useful immune boosting Herb
I first used this simple test with Dena Schwartz last year when we were trying to decide whether using yarrow essential oil as a topical application for Jasper’s sarcoids would be beneficial & I have […]
Choosing essential oils using a simple Kinesiology test

Fenugreek, (Trigonella foenum-graecum) I recently started offering Jasper Fenugreek seed & he has tried it a couple of times, he seems to quite enjoy the smell as well. It has a very potent aroma, which […]
Fenugreek, a useful conditioning herb

Well its that time of year where here in the UK the mud is working its way up to knee level and we all need to start thinking about mud fever, (also known as Scratches […]
Mud Fever (or Scratches) and Flowers of Sulphur

Jasper is offered both Chickweed & Marshmallow, he doesn’t eat either one on a regular basis but will take them every now & then, & usually when he does he will take a sizeable dose […]
Chickweed and MarshMallow

Hi there, Just a very quick one today I wanted to give you a bit of information about Jasper’s all time favourite herb. This herb took Jasper a while to discover but once he did […]
Burdock Root, the ultimate tissue cleanser

Another of Jasper’s favourite Herbs is dandelion leaf, again when it was in season I use to pick him handfuls of fresh leaves, on one occassion he literally dragged me across the stable yard so […]
A Herb Jasper Loves, Dandelion Leaf & one he’s never ...

Another Herb that Jasper eats regularly is Devil’s Claw, you may be familiar with this as it is used in a lot of the herbal “No Bute” alternatives. Devil’s Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) Great for Joint […]
Devils Claw & Garlic Herb

Clivers (Galium aparine) Clivers is also known by the names bedstraw, cleavers, goosegrass or catch-weed. This European herb can be found growing in many hedgerows and fields and is collected and gently dried before the […]
Cleavers, another favourite herb of Jasper’s
Jasper had his farrier Peter on Friday and for the first time in a while I actually took a good look at his hooves and compared them with pictures taken just 3 months ago. I […]
Hooves Almost As Good As New
Jasper was so proud of his new rug & how much he had achieved with his sarcoids he wanted everyone to see him picking his herbs & wearing his rug. Dexter not wanting to be […]